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If you don’t find the answer to your questions here, please see our Parent Handbook or call the office directly. We’re happy to help!

What time can I drop off my child at school?

Doors will be unlocked at 7:50 am. Enter from the north on Oswego Road, turning right onto school property. Exit heading south turning right onto Oswego Road. Drivers are asked to remain in their cars. Please maintain a speed of less than 10 mph on school property.

Parents who arrive after 8:10 am, or who desire to walk their children in, must park in the parking lot. These children must be escorted into the building by an adult.

What time can I pick up my child from school?

Student pick-up is from 3:05 pm to 3:20 pm for Grammar School students and 3:20 pm to 3:35 pm for Logic School students. Students who need to leave before regular dismissal must be checked out by an adult from the school office. Drivers should stay in their cars, moving up as appropriate. Drivers are to display their student’s last name on a windshield visor card which will be provided by the school. Parents may also park and walk to the front doors to pick up their children. Children may be picked up only from the supervised dismissal areas.

All children who have not been picked up at the end of dismissal (3:20 pm for first pick-up and 3:35 pm for second pick-up) will be taken to After School Care (ASC). In addition, students whose rides are more than 10 minutes late picking up at dismissal time from clubs, sports, tutoring, or other after-school activities will be checked in to ASC for supervision. Parents will be assessed a fee of $14 per hour per student for this service.

What are the drop-off and pick-up procedures?

For a map of our drop-off/pick-up procedures, please click here.

Are parents allowed to come visit at lunch time?

Covenant alumni, parents, and grandparents are welcome to visit during the lunch hour. Visitors should check in with the school office to obtain a visitor tag and be escorted to the lunchroom. Grammar School lunch is scheduled from 11:40am-12:05pm. Logic School lunch is scheduled from 12:20-12:50pm.

Can I attend chapel services with my child?

A weekly chapel service is held on Friday mornings at 9:05am for all students, faculty, and staff. Parents and siblings are also welcome to attend chapel services.

What is After School Care? How do I sign up for this program?

Covenant offers families of enrolled students supervised after-school care for an additional cost. The After School Care program is designed to accommodate parent work schedules that require a pick-up time after the standard daily dismissal time or to accommodate the occasional and unanticipated delay in picking up a student. The school is eager to work with families to accommodate their needs, so families are encouraged to discuss their particular situation with the Office Manager. Parents may register in advance for daily care, or for specific days during the week. Parents may also use the service on a per diem basis. In order for us to provide proper supervision, daily ASC drop-ins will be admitted on a sign-up basis only. If you want your child to stay for ASC, you must call or email the school office by 2:00 pm. Space is limited. You can reach the ASC after school hours by calling the ASC cell phone. This number will be provided at the start of the school year. The costs for after care are as follows:

  • $14 per hour per child from school dismissal until 5:00 pm
  • $1 per minute from 5:00 to 5:30 pm
  • $5 per minute after 5:30 pm

What does my child need to wear on field trips?

For most field trips, students should wear their regular Daily Dress uniforms. Teachers will specify if students will be allowed to wear spirit wear during a school field trip. Please contact your child’s teacher for more information.

When does my child need to wear a Special Dress uniform?

Students are expected to wear their Special Dress uniforms on Fridays for chapel services and during special programs and events.

Is there a prayer group for Covenant parents?

Yes! Prayer is a vital part of our community life. We invite all parents, guardians, and grandparents to join the Covenant Prayer Group. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.

What do I do if I have a concern about my child?

Please contact your child’s teacher, Mr. Harris, or Dr. Stoner as soon as a concern arises. Our desire is to partner with you in walking alongside your child during his or her formative years. Communication is key in helping us to best address issues and shepherd our students’ hearts.

How and when can I make a gift to the school?

Covenant thrives due to the generosity of our stakeholders, including our families, teachers, staff, and board members. Gifts may be made at any time throughout the year. We ask that all families consider some level of additional giving during our Annual Fund drive as well. Your gifts enable us to pursue our mission in the lives of our students. Click here for more details or to make a gift today!

Can I send medication to school with my child?

Prescription Medications If your child receives medication during the school day, a written order from the doctor must accompany the medication. The medication must be in the original container with your child’s name and the name of the medication on the bottle. If your child is on medication for a life-threatening illness, such as asthma, diabetes, or severe allergies which require an EpiPen, an action plan from the doctor is also needed. All medications are to be submitted to the school office. No medications should be left with a child in a locker or lunch box. The only exception is an inhaler, which may be kept with a student with written permission from the doctor for the child to self-administer. The child should inform the office if he or she has self-administered the inhaler during the day. The child must be responsible for having his or her own inhaler for after-school sports.

Over-the-Counter Medications (OCM) State law requires that no oral medication be given by the staff without permission from the child’s doctor and parent. If you wish your child to be able to receive OCM, such as Tylenol, Motrin, cough medicines etc., a form signed by you and your doctor must be submitted each year. This form can be obtained in the school office.

Is there a lost and found?

The Lost and Found is located near the school office. Parents are urged to check it regularly. All student clothing should be clearly labeled. The Lost and Found will be emptied on the last day of each semester and clothing will be donated to local charities. Uniform clothing will be added to our Uniform Share event. Found money and items such as keys, watches, and eyeglasses are turned in to the school office.

What do I need to do if my child will be missing school?

Since absence from class is detrimental to a student’s academic performance, and since students often find it difficult to catch up on missed work, parents should request their children to miss school only for the most worthy reasons. If a child is absent for any reason, parents are required to call or email the school office before 9:30 a.m. Parents may copy teachers in their email if they deem necessary. Because Covenant’s calendar provides for several long breaks, we ask for your cooperation in planning family trips during our scheduled vacations. Parents are also encouraged to arrange medical and dental appointments outside the school day. Regardless of the reason for an absence, students are responsible for the material missed. However, a differentiation is made between excused and unexcused absences.

Excused Absences Absence from school will be excused for illnesses, emergency family matters, deaths in the family, dental or medical appointments, as well as funerals, graduations, and weddings of family members. Teachers will provide make-up work missed due to an excused absence and provide extra help to the student if needed.

Unexcused Absences If students miss school due to extended family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories outlined above, these absences are recorded as unexcused. Assignments will not be given in advance for unexcused absences unless at least one-week advance notice is given. In the Grammar School, upon the student’s return, the teacher will provide a list of the missed work, and it is the student’s responsibility to make up the work by the designated due date. Logic School students are responsible for their missed work and must make it up in a time frame agreed upon with their teachers or credit for the work will not be given.

I’d like to get connected! How can I volunteer and be an active part of the Covenant community life?

Covenant relies on the volunteer efforts of parents to carry out its mission. We strongly encourage parents to serve in at least one volunteer position each year through our PAWS (Parents at Work in the School) organization. The available volunteer positions are provided to parents at the beginning of each school year so that they may sign up. Feel free to contact Mr. Harris if you haven’t found a way to get connected yet. Serving is also a great way to build relationships!

One Visit

For many families, one visit is all it takes.
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