Collegiate Model Rhetoric Program Open House on October 22 at 7pm! Learn more about our 3-Day High School!

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What is Covenant’s student-teacher ratio?

Our student-teacher ratio is currently 9:1. Because of this, our teachers have the opportunity to truly know and understand each child, allowing them to build lasting relationships and help develop each child’s gifts and abilities fully.

How do I apply?

Applying to Covenant is a simple process, and we are here to walk you through each easy step. Please take a look at our admissions page to learn more about how you can start your application today! If you have any questions, we would be happy to speak with you. Please give us a call at (630) 983-7500.

Is classical education only designed for gifted students?

Classical education is not just for the gifted child. While all children can benefit from a classical education, Covenant currently has the resources to support and teach the average to gifted learner. Students with learning struggles can succeed at Covenant in certain situations as long as the family and student work hard together with the school to meet the learning objectives and goals within the general classroom setting.

Do you accept students with special needs?

We do not currently have the ability to provide resources for students with significant special needs. We encourage you to call our office to have a conversation prior to applying. In some situations, students with certain learning struggles can thrive at Covenant as long as the student can function well in the general education classroom and families/students are eager and committed to taking on the additional work this might require at home.

Do Covenant students take standardized tests?

All of our students take regular tests to assess the extent to which they have understood the specific content of Covenant’s specially designed curriculum. However, the specific curriculum at schools across the country varies widely. How then do we assess the strength and quality of our academic program? One way is to see how our students score on “Standardized Tests,” or tests that are not directly connected to one specific curriculum but which are designed to measure students’ general knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our students take the ERB, a test designed by the Educational Research Bureau (ERB). The ERB tests are used in more than 2,000 independent and public schools in 47 states and 52 countries, and are endorsed by the Association of Christian and Classical Schools and recommended by the Society for Classical Learning.

Why do Covenant students take Latin?

Beginning in third grade, our students begin their Latin studies. Latin serves as a foundation of the English language. A formal study of Latin improves a student’s ability to decipher new or complex English words, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of their existing vocabulary. Additionally, the Romance languages stem directly from Latin, so learning a modern romance language like Spanish becomes a much easier task with a base understanding of Latin. Latin is particularly useful to a student receiving a classical education, as many primary texts are written in Latin or Greek. As a result of their study of Latin, students will be able to read these texts in their original language, appreciating the beauty of the piece and developing a more full understanding of the author’s message.

Do you have after school care?

We currently offer after school care for an additional fee of $12.00 per hour, per child. Our after school program is intentionally designed for our students and extends until 5:00pm.

What are your financial aid opportunities?

Although giving your child the gift of a classical and Christian education can be costly, we believe it is a lasting investment worth making. With that in mind, we understand that not all families can afford tuition, especially in light of multiple children. Our hope is to partner with you to make becoming a part of the Covenant community a possibility. We encourage families with financial concerns to apply for our Tailored Tuition program.

What is Tailored Tuition?

It is our hope to help families that desire a classical and Christian education for their children to make that happen. Tailored Tuition is a program designed to help tailor your child’s tuition to meet your financial needs. Therefore, students at Covenant pay a range of tuition based on each family’s unique circumstance, including having multiple children within the school. The Tailored Tuition application is separate from our enrollment application. Once a family has been accepted into the school, the family may choose to apply for Tailored Tuition. No family receives a full tuition scholarship, as we feel sending a child to Covenant should be an investment for each family.

How rigorous are the academic standards at Covenant?

Covenant provides a challenging academic program which trains students to think deeply, read widely, and write well. Our program is not rigorous for the sake of rigor, though. The students, faculty, and staff delight in the joy of learning! We hold high expectations of both our students and faculty, coupled with a community of grace and acceptance where students are known and loved for who they are. At Covenant, we seek to demonstrate the love and grace of Christ in all that we do.

What co-curricular opportunities are offered?

In addition to our specially designed curricular core, we offer students the opportunity to take part in drama, art programs, fencing, certamen, musical ensembles and choirs, and many other activities to help develop the whole child. Chess, knitting, cooking, engineering, coding and ballet are just a few of the additional co-curriculars we offer throughout the school year.

What are the expectations for parental involvement?

It is a privilege to partner alongside the parents at our school in the important task of raising up Covenant children to know and love God wholly. We believe the parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. Therefore, we ask and expect that every family is involved in some way at Covenant. Through service, support, and involvement, our parents play an integral role in creating the dynamic community of grace we share.

Do I have to be a Christian to attend Covenant?

While Covenant is a Christian school, not everyone who attends our school is a Christian. Biblical beliefs and worldview are interwoven throughout all subject areas, and all faculty and staff profess the Christian faith. Many Christian traditions of belief are represented within our community. We ask that all Covenant families acknowledge and support the teachings we hold dear at our school. Please see our Statement of Faith for more information.

How are disciplinary issues handled?

The heart of a child is just as important to us as the mind of a child. Through compassionate, restorative discipline, we seek to shape each child’s character in a way that honors and respects others and recognizes Christ as the authority of all. We acknowledge the need for the power and work of the Holy Spirit in this process. Through prayer, discipleship, and clear expectations, we seek to help each child grow into young men and women who serve humbly and lead wisely.

How long does the admissions process take?

We are happy to walk alongside you through the admissions process. This simple process is typically smooth and timely, depending upon how quickly you desire to submit your materials and secure a spot in a classroom. Once an application has been submitted, our office staff will reach out to you to schedule your child’s testing and placement session. After evaluation, a parent interview will be set that allows us to get to know your family better. Within just a few days, you will receive a notice of acceptance if we feel your child will thrive at Covenant. We welcome questions at any time throughout the process to ensure you have the answers you need in as timely a way as possible.

How do you determine if my child is a fit for the school?

Ensuring a child is a good fit for the school is beneficial to the child, the family, our teachers, and the other students. Our hope is that every child that is accepted into our school will feel at home and thrive within our specially designed curriculum. If your child is not accepted, in most cases we simply feel we do not have the resources needed to help your child be a success within our environment. Making this decision prior to enrollment helps prevent greater struggles down the road.

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