Just Announced: Collegiate Model Rhetoric Program for 2024-2025 school year! Now enrolling for 9th grade!

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"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet."

—Fred Beuchner

Current Employment Opportunities

High School Spanish
Covenant recently announced the launch of a Collegiate Model high school program where core academic courses are taught 3 days per week.  As we begin this program, we are seeking to hire part-time faculty to teach: 

Spanish to a combined class of Grades 8 and 9

Submit Your Resume

We encourage anyone drawn to Covenant’s mission and vision to send a resume and cover letter, whether in response to a posted opening or simply to express interest.

We keep all resumes in an active file that is also the first place we look when a position becomes available.

Send Resume

What Are the Faculty Saying?