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A Rich, Engaging Curriculum

An In-Depth Look

One of the hallmarks of classical education is a rich and engaging curriculum in which all subjects are seamlessly woven together. Each element of the curriculum is intentionally chosen in order to help students recognize the interconnectedness of ideas and find their place in the great conversation.


Through the sequential study of God’s Word, students develop an understanding of the overarching metanarrative of Scripture, basic theological concepts and major biblical themes, the attributes and characteristics of God, and the plan of salvation.

Kindergarten: Leading Little Ones to God

1st Grade: Genesis-Ruth

2nd Grade: I Samuel-Malachi

3rd Grade: Gospels

4th Grade: Acts and Paul’s Letters

5th Grade: General Epistles and John’s Writings

6th Grade: Old Testament Survey I

7th Grade: Old Testament Survey II

8th Grade: New Testament Survey


At all grade levels, students are trained to read deliberately and thoroughly, discussing great works of literature with energy and imagination. Classic works that have stood the test of time serve as the backbone of our literature curriculum, stories that reveal God’s beauty, sovereignty, and creativity, reflecting the ultimate story of love and redemption found only in Christ.

Kindergarten: A wide variety of classic trade books

1st Grade:

  • Little Bear
  • Curious George
  • Frog and Toad Are Friends
  • Harry the Dirty Dog
  • Henry and Mudge
  • Nate the Great
  • Caps for Sale
  • Madeline
  • Miss Nelson is Missing
  • Stone Soup
  • Bread and Jam for Frances
  • Corduroy
  • The Little Engine that Could
  • Billy and Blaze
  • Ox-Cart Man
  • Make Way for Ducklings

2nd Grade:

  • Miss Rumphius
  • A New Coat for Anna
  • Bears on Hemlock Mountain
  • The Courage of Sarah Noble
  • Little House in the Big Woods
  • The Boxcar Children
  • The Odyssey
  • Pompeii Buried Alive
  • The Trojan Horse
  • The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus

3rd Grade:

  • Homer Price
  • Charlotte’s Web
  • Island of the Blue Dolphins
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

4th Grade:

  • A Little Pilgrim’s Progress
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • I, Juan de Pareja
  • Ten Tales from Shakespeare

5th Grade:

  • Amos Fortune
  • Sign of the Beaver
  • Johnny Tremain
  • A Wrinkle in Time

6th Grade:

  • Lincoln Photobiography
  • Treasure Island
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Hobbit

7th Grade:

  • The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Cat of Bubastes
  • Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

8th Grade:

  • White Fang
  • American Short Stories
  • The Trojan War with portions of the Iliad and Odyssey
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Grammar and Composition

Covenant’s Language Arts program encompasses and integrates formal instruction in phonics, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and writing. Through the intentional teaching of proper grammar and syntax, the development of an expansive vocabulary, and the practice of eloquent wordsmithing, we help students to not only organize their thoughts well but also to express them beautifully.

Kindergarten: Beginning writing skills

1st Grade: Shurley Grammar 1

2nd Grade: Shurley Grammar 2

3rd Grade: Shurley Grammar 3

4th Grade: Shurley Grammar 4

5th Grade: Warriner’s 1

6th Grade: Warriner’s 2

7th Grade: Warriner’s 3

8th Grade: Warriner’s 4


Studying the Latin language not only provides an excellent foundation for understanding the roots of English vocabulary and subsequently studying other Romance languages, it also systematically trains the mind to think in an orderly fashion, to perform rigorous analysis, and encounter unfamiliar material in a disciplined way.

3rd Grade: Latin for Children A

4th Grade: Latin for Children A

5th Grade: Latin for Children B

6th Grade: Cambridge I

7th Grade: Cambridge II

8th Grade: Cambridge III


Through a comprehensive and chronological study of history, students are led to recognize God’s sovereignty and providence as it has been revealed throughout time. They come to understand the historical significance and chronological position of influential people and watershed events from creation to present, as well as the influence of these on contemporary thought and culture.

Kindergarten: Overview of History

1st Grade: Ancient Civilizations

2nd Grade: Greece and Rome

3rd Grade: Middle Ages

4th Grade: Renaissance and Reformation

5th Grade: Age of Revolution

6th Grade: Modern Era

7th Grade: Ancient Civilizations and Greece

8th Grade: Rome/American Civics


At Covenant, we teach not only the procedures of mathematics, but the underlying concepts as well. This yields a much stronger retention of the material, the flexibility to apply knowledge to new situations, the ability to discern best approaches to problems, and a true delight in the subject matter.

Kindergarten: Saxon 1

1st Grade: Saxon 2

2nd Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 2

3rd Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 3

4th Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 4

5th Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 5

6th Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 6

7th Grade: Singapore Math in Focus 7A and 7B

8th Grade: Elementary Algebra


At Covenant, students are trained to employ scientific methods, engaging in learning that is founded on direct experience and building an understanding that is both functional and deep, allowing students to develop a genuine appreciation of each branch of scientific study.

Kindergarten: God’s Creation

1st Grade: Zoology

2nd Grade: Botany and Anatomy

3rd Grade: Astronomy

4th Grade: Geology and Meteorology

5th Grade: Introduction to Physics

6th Grade: Chemistry

7th Grade: Biology

8th Grade: Physics


A comprehensive study of each country and continent of the world empowers students to understand historical events and literary texts in the context of culture, nurturing globally-minded leaders who exhibit compassion and empathy.

Kindergarten: Continents and Oceans

1st Grade: North America

2nd Grade: Asia

3rd Grade: Europe

4th Grade: South America, Australia, Oceania

5th Grade: Africa


Logic curriculum:

6th Grade: Pre-Logic (The Fallacy Detective; The Thinking Toolbox)

7th Grade: Introductory Logic (The Discovery of Deduction)

8th Grade: Intermediate Logic

Fine Arts

Fine arts curriculum:

K-8 Art: Art History and Appreciation, Development of Artistic Skills

K-8 Music: Music History and Appreciation; Music Theory; Vocal Training

K-8 Drama: Drama History and Appreciation; Dramatic Skills Development


P.E. curriculum:

K-8: Individual Skills; Team Sports

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