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An Engaging Curriculum with Proven Teaching Methods

The Fullness of Education

A Covenant education opens the mind and heart to discover the depth and fullness of academia, fostering a passionate pursuit of wisdom, truth, and understanding.

Integrated and chronological studies help students make sense of the world in which we live and inspire curiosity and wonder.

The Trivium

Classical schooling rests on the foundation of the Trivium, a framework of education that works with the grain of a child’s natural development in three stages: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.

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Building a foundation of knowledge through mastery of the fundamentals, sparking a lifelong love of learning

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Equipping students with the tools to read widely, think critically, and express ideas with sound logic and humble respect

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Preparing students to wrestle with big ideas and communicate in a way that is both winsome and wise

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Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Are you unfamiliar with classical schooling? You are not alone. Learn more by watching our brief introduction to classical education.

What Are Parents Saying?

Common Convictions

Mission & Vision

Our mission and vision drive our daily decisions here at Covenant, keeping us accountable to strive to reach not only the head of our students but the heart of each child.

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Mission & Vision

Mission Statement: The mission of Covenant Classical School is to provide an exceptional education in the classical tradition that honors Jesus Christ as the beginning and end of all truth, goodness, and beauty.

Vision Statement: Our vision is for students to discover the joy of learning and the grace of Jesus Christ.

Common Convictions

Our common convictions serve as anchors for our school culture – educationally, professionally and spiritually.

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Common Convictions

We are committed to:

  • Keeping Christ at the center of all we do, the source and ultimate purpose of our lives and educational endeavors.
  • Establishing a vibrant community rooted in love and grace, fostering a culture of mutual respect and encouragement.
  • Forming an authentic partnership with parents, working together for the education and discipleship of their children.
  • Providing an exceptional academic program, utilizing classical methods that equip students to read, write, and reason well.
  • Inspiring wonder, joy, and curiosity in our students, sparking in them a lifelong love for learning.
  • Implementing a rich, distinctive curriculum that reflects the interconnectedness of truth and anchors students in the ongoing story of humanity.
  • Engaging gifted and passionate teachers who model a life of Christian discipleship, exhibit wisdom, and faithfully pursue the good, true, and beautiful.
  • Maintaining small class sizes and a well-ordered and warm environment that nurtures the mind, body, and soul of each student.
  • Shepherding students’ hearts towards Christ through grace-filled and restorative discipline.
  • Developing a posture of service and humility among all members of our community, honoring one another above ourselves and exemplifying a life lived for others.

One Visit

For many families, one visit is all it takes.
Schedule your personalized tour today!