Just Announced: Collegiate Model Rhetoric Program for 2024-2025 school year! Now enrolling for 9th grade!

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“Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become.”

- Heraclitus (circa 535-475 BCE)

A Look Back to Move Forward

Certamen (pronounced care-TA-men), the Latin word for competition, is a classics-based quiz bowl-style trivia competition. Contestants race to hit a buzzer and answer questions about Latin grammar, Roman history and culture, Greco-Roman mythology, and more.

Studying the classics leads students to recognize God’s sovereignty and providence as it has been revealed throughout time. They come to understand the historical significance and chronological position of influential people and watershed events and their influence on contemporary thought and culture.

Join The Team

More than twenty schools in Illinois and over a thousand nationwide teach the classics and participate in Certamen. Through Certamen our students connect with this community and build relationships with other students who share an interest in the classics. Certamen provides a healthy competitive atmosphere and a camaraderie between our students and those outside of our school.

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