As a teacher at Covenant, I have been transformed both professionally and spiritually in ways I could never have imagined. I feel that I am becoming the very best teacher I can be, and over time this experience has come to be one of the greatest blessings of my life. I do not know if I could find this growth opportunity at any other school.
When I first started teaching at Covenant, I expected to grow spiritually, but I didn’t know how much I would grow professionally. I had completed student teaching and taught summer school at a prestigious public high school that was known to have rigorous standards. It was my impression that those types of public schools would produce the best teachers. However, at Covenant I have been given the opportunity to develop professionally beyond all of my expectations. I have learned God-honoring and effective ways to discipline from many of the gifted faculty members at this school. I have also learned how to teach math conceptually, and in the process I have found that students retain the concepts better, can apply them more easily, and find greater delight in the learning process. It is the way I believe we are created to learn math! I am immensely grateful for the way Sharon Weldy (principal and former math teacher) mentored me during my first year. She spent a great deal of time with me— pouring wisdom into me and sharing her past experiences regarding conceptual math pedagogy.